Cynthia Riegle | Animal Communicator & Reiki Practitioner

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A Pet Psychic's use of Pendulums, Sage and so much more!

This morning, I faced a tough decision about whether to keep an animal or let it go to a new home. I have been putting off this decision for months and my time is soon up. I stepped outside with my coffee, pendulums, and energy from the earth, using a pad to free write. My telepathy was crucial as I weighed my heart's feelings against my mind's logic. After months of confusion and sleepless nights filled with dreams of this animal, I reflected seriously on my role in its life. Despite the opinions of friends who've seen my journey of ups and downs, I sought clarity beneath a butterfly bush with the animal present. I focused on my animal totem, the ladybug, and asked my guides for recognizable signs or symbols to help me decide.

The first two wild animals who showed up brought messages of transformation and change in a big way. The third a message to work together…that only brought me more confusion.

The decision is still pending whilst considering those involved and my physical limits taking the forefront. The young adults in the family are gaining independence, and while travel for fun will increase, returning home to our pets is a priority. A hummingbird stares at me through the window bringing messages of "Joy." I love when the wild ones dip in to bring things in to focus! We all deserve to feel joyous…is my animal in question feeling the wonderful range of feelings? After checking in through my animal communicator I hear that yes, being here on our farm is a really happy place for him. ( Communicating with my own animals gets a bit muddy because I know them, so another medium is best to truly hear them)

In addition to my use of an animal COMMUNICATOR here are additional tools I use to bring in more RELIABLE information~

Pendulums can indicate closed or open chakras, the effectiveness of a Reiki session and answer your questions. Center yourself, drop into your heart space and ask a specific question. If the pendulum circles to the right that is answer is a yes and counter clockwise is a no. If it remains silent ask the question a different way. Research “using pendulums” further for a process that may resonate at a deeper level. The above link has an excellent process laid out in the article. Using pendulums to test minerals and foods that best supports animals is another helpful tool I use.

The sway test which was covered in the last newsletter. This is similar to a pendulum but using your body.

The use of oils which provides energetic stimulation for greater communication, health support and pleasure. For instance, when I perform a Chakra balancing using an oil chosen by the animal it increases the energetic pull.

Himalayan salt lamps are used for clearing energy of negative ions, and support respiratory problems.

Burning sage and other herbs can help clear negative energy by lifting it out of physical and etheric mediums. I use herbs when clearing spaces, many times in conjunction with crystals and stones. The old energy of dying animals permeated a barn to the point where the owner could not keep horses happy enough to support a business. After the clearing of the entire barn the animals who live there are now settled and business is thriving. I used sage, reiki, crystals and coal. I also found the area of the barn where the tragedy had taken place to release the negative energy.

Crystals and stones are conduites for releasing or holding energy thereby cleansing it. In reiki ceremonies we often recite, lord and the angels allow this energy to be removed and allow mother earth to cleanse it.

I meditate daily and often receive answers to questions. I will write the question before meditating as a type of intention. Oils used when meditating hold their own vibration and help to connect to ourselves and with the animals with whom we live.

I hope you have enjoyed learning about the different ways of asking and recieving that extra information when making your important decisions-especially when it involves one of your furry family members! Please share with a friend!

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