From the Pig, to a Cat, about the Son

As the owner and I discussed the funny messages from her beloved rescue pig, her cat jumped up to the coffee table in front of me. Though I am new to reading animals in person, as I have only done it for a few years now, his messages were from yet another family cat. This cat belonged to their teenaged son. I didn’t know of the connections between all of them but heard the clear messages of urgency for this young boy was vacillating between doing the right thing and choosing the wrong thing. It seemed that he was faced with decisions that could hurt him in the long run. I felt distance growing between he and his family. Suggestions were made in rapid succession in a crystal clear message: that the family gathering together was actually extremely important during this time in his life to help support him and indeed remind him of where he comes from. Even more specific directions to vacation together, to eat together, tell stories, and the father needed to spend a lot of one on one time with his son. I saw palm trees and a swimming pool, and people enjoying dinner together. First I heard the words from the cat, felt the feelings and then I saw pictures. It was at that time the client dropped her jaw in disbelief because indeed this was her son away with his father in real time. They were currently in Florida, with cousins and family, swimming and had just had lunch with grandparents. The son was with his father rekindling, reaffirming their familial ties to give their son a stronger feeling of where he comes from because they now live in VA. which is much further away from Miami. They left behind a strong family full of grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. Their son, now at a new school, making new friends etc. indeed was making choices on who he was in this new town. And the cat knew he was possibly needing more guidance to make the right choices based on who he really is and needed his family as a reminder of the very good person he is and most of all that he is loved.

There is so much we can appreciate and ponder but in the end they are messages from the cat(s) that are deep and so helpful. The information they provided was another piece of information for the parents that yes the family needs to gather now to keep the son on the right path. It is out of love they have for their family that they come through to me so that their messages can come out.

I always shake my head after these whirlwind conversations, because who knew they could know soooo much! Really! I love what I do. I love who they are and what they bring to our life experience.

Cynthia Riegle