A Prayer and a Purpose

As a child, I felt more at ease in nature, among animals and trees and the world unfolding under the open sky. My backyard was mesmerizing, with logs hiding salamanders, rich dirt giving home to snails, and my steadfast childhood friend, a Black Shepherd named Pip. The pony my father surprised me with when I turned 12, became my companion in exploration. 

The earth, and her creatures, has a depth of energy and emotion to which I am attached.

One day, I brought my pet gerbil outside to meet Pip. I placed the cage in the grass, and watched as Pip stood stone still, staring. Even as a child, I recognized that something significant was happening, and I paused to watch it unfold. 

That was the moment I knew that animals communicate in significantly deeper ways than barking and tail wagging. A knowing that repeated over and over again throughout my life.

But sometimes, our human world collides with the natural world in violent ways. At the scene of a heart-crushing car accident where an animal had been hit, I poured out all the anguish and love of my little girl soul into a prayer to the heavens, “Lord and the Angels, PLEASE help me to help the animals!” 

My path as an animal communicator was solidified long before I had a name for who I was. In animal communication, you are going into the wild unknown, a place that carved a home in my heart as a child

After I had children of my own, I felt a little lost and depressed. So I gave my heart the chance to lead me on a long and fascinating educational journey. I started taking classes with the top experts in the field of animal communication, natural horsemanship, and equine psychotherapy. I explored energy healing and earned my Masters of Reiki through the Usui lineage.

My horse, Merlin, was completing an obstacle course, something that can create fear in horses. I stayed outside the ring and watched as he did every exercise without me asking or controlling or punishing. There was an easy, graceful, confident energy about the way he navigated that course. I burst into tears watching him, my heart swelling with pride even as I realized that all the traditional tools of negative reinforcement our society uses to try to control their animals are harmful and unnecessary. In this pivotal moment, my horse led ME.

This experience caused a transition in my life. A definite aptitude to communicate telepathically, supported with my Rieki energy, pushed me towards a passive interaction with my horse. He demonstrated this very new way of working with another being.

I ran an animal rescue business for 4 years with a beloved black lab retriever named Belle. She led my education about the reintegration of traumatized puppies who had been taken too early from their pack and weren't given the opportunity to learn how to BE puppies, much less human companions. I watched her, day after day, eliminate nipping behaviors, induce playfulness, even teach those puppies how to swim. And then I placed them in homes where the interweaving of energy and beauty and strength could begin.

Most people can’t fathom how tightly we are woven together with our animal companions, even if they have caught a small sense of it. Our animals have the wisdom and the love to guide us...if we let them.

I know how to give voice to that interspecies dialog. I’ve spent a decade and a half studying animal communication, and a lifetime practicing it. I’ve helped hundreds of animals communicate with their human companions and guide them through the issues surrounding misbehavior, illness, and end of life. 

We are here to grow, to navigate our soul’s journey the best way we can. And our animals are equipped with the ability to help us if we take the time to hear their voices, their insight.

What is your animal waiting to tell you?

Cynthia Riegle