Cynthia Riegle, Animal Communicator, Marketer?

I’m Cynthia Riegle, an animal communicator and reiki practitioner. The idea of having the ability to “talk to animals” is foreign to many and ideed 15 years ago I was in that boat. I wasn’t skeptical but didn’t know it was possible to do so. I tend to look at the world centrically. So, all these years I have kept my study of the subject to myself. I took courses that lasted weeks and sometimes years so that I could satisfy each question and master the nuances of the language. Now that I am out of the closet and have this beautiful website offering my holistic services I decided at this point to search the internet for an animal communicator - “Just for fun!” The results floored me as I saw pages of names of people around the world who offered to speak with animals in an effort to help the animals. Literally there are tens of thousands and suddenly I felt that I am indeed a small fish in an ocean…the Pacific Ocean! The daunting question then becomes as an entrepreneur: How to reach my people? How do I use KEYwords that everyone is using to alert the SEO Gods that indeed, this is the best person to give your pet a voice? How do I get the arrows to point to The point for me to help the animals is to draw attention to my little website amongst the millions? I’m in search of any California, or savvy marketer in the world, to advise me on the “how” to stand out above the rest, and I can barter services for this advice. I am a long distance, or in professional terms, a Telepathic Communicator, able to connect to any animal in the world…yes, I can do this! I can also speak with animals who have gone to the other side..and people have also started to come across with messages for their family members. SEE! I have skills and I need help reaching the masses. There it is…my plea for help and please pass this along if you feel moved to do so.

Cynthia Riegle

Messages from them to you~